CASS launches fourth confined cassava field trial
CASS launches fourth confined cassava field trial
Article by Dr. Wolfgang Zierer, CASS scientific coordinator
The Cassava Source Sink project has successfully planted its fourth cassava field trial in Taichung, Taiwan in March 2022, despite the difficult global situation.
In an international effort, we initiated a confined field trial comprising 1600 cassava plants, testing 16 different biotechnological concepts at once.
To account for boarder plants and potential losses, over 3000 in vitro plantlets had to be prepared and were subsequently shipped to Taiwan, where the local team in Taichung transferred the plants to soil, labeled them, and pre-hardened them in the greenhouse. Finally, the plants were planted into the field by end of 0904March 2022.
We are deeply thankful to our great team members from NCHU Taichung, ETH Zurich, FZ Jülich, and FAU Erlangen and are looking forward to a productive growing season!