International Conference in China on Plant Metabolism

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Prof. Dr. Uwe Sonnewald attended the 5th International Conference on Plant Metabolism (ICPM2024) which took place from November 21-25, 2024 in Sanya, China.

The conference, which takes place every three years, focused on the topic of “Plant Metabolism and Design Breeding”. The focus was on aspects such as the biosynthesis of plant primary and secondary metabolites, plant defense against biotic and abiotic stress factors, approaches to biofortification, as well as studies on enzyme structure, function and evolution. The conference offered the approximately 800 international participants the opportunity to exchange information on the progress made in these areas and to discuss how this progress can be used to improve crops and benefit human life. Prof. Dr. Sonnewald from the Chair of Biochemistry at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg actively participated in this meeting and presented the research results on the topic “Advancing heat-tolerant potato varieties: A multifaceted approach”. Particularly impressive were the presentations by leading scientists from the host country, which impressively underlined the extraordinary progress made by Chinese scientists in recent decades. The inspiring discussions and the great hospitality contributed to a lasting and very enjoyable experience. We would like to thank the organizers for the great meeting and look forward to meet again!